Watch and listen as David takes you on an enlightening journey into the world of Internet Marketing, in his flagship, inspirational video!
Video produced by Agel Enterprises about The Feinsteins and their achievement and journey to Executive Diamond.
Part one of David's flagship, inspirational series discussing internet marketing and what it can do for you!
Part two of David's series on internet marketing and what it can do for you!
(social media marketing and home business trainer, author and speaker), on "The Home Business Network"
(he is an author, editor, speaker and mentor-coach. His book, The Greatest Networker in the World, sold more than a million is perhaps the best known in the business) for "The Greatest Networker Leadership Series"
this Podcast was originally aired on in 2008 and has subsequently been on several internet radio stations and has been picked up by many Podcast/Radio jockeys seeking good home based business content.
Networking Times magazine
David & Ann Feinstein were featured in Success Magazine
David & Ann's story in Success Magazine